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Translating the app

The app comes with a built-in language file editor. To use it, go to Tools > Language File Editor.

Translating strings


Alternatively, you are also welcome to proofread and correct any of the existing translations using a similar method. You can do this by opening one of the .json files containing the strings you want to edit, and correct accordingly.


You can create a pull request at GitHub to upload your .json. It must be stored at FriishProduce/strings/[locale].json.

Translating this wiki

Translating strings

To add translated pages in your language for this wiki:

  1. Go to the docs folder over at the FriishProduce repository.
  2. Download the .md files located in the root of the aforementioned docs folder.
  3. Create a local folder with the name of your target locale (e.g. ja for Japanese), and place your downloaded .md files there.
  4. Open each .md file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad++) and translate accordingly.
  5. Once you're done, save your work.


Alternatively, you are also welcome to proofread and correct any of the existing translations using a similar method, by downloading the respective locale folder and editing each .md file.


You can create a pull request at GitHub to upload your locale folder. It must be stored at docs/docs/[locale].